Wednesday, 18 February 2015

App of the month

Geplaatst door Unknown op 08:18
The app of the month is :  we heart it !

It is a beautiful app with a lot of nice pictures. 

You can put your fashion ideas on it and like other ideas. It is really addicting :) 
I have mine account a year or something and i like it so much. If you have we heart it than you can follow me (account name : we(heart smiley)it ). I hope that you like my ideas and pics of fashion. 

If you don't have this app i recommend you to get it. If you don't have it you Will miss a lot of fun. And i Can say that they have everything that you like . 

Comment in the comments what your favourite app is and mabye your favourite app become the app of the month!

2 reacties :

Unknown said...

I'm addicted to weheartit for over a year! :) I just can't live without this app, I feel like it is some special world in which we all connect... whenever I'm watching pictures I have a feeling like I'm not alone, like I'm surrounded with people who are very similar to me and that makes me feel happy :) what's you weheartit account? I'd like to follow you there if you don't mind :)
This is my blog if you'd like to check it:

Unknown said...

Your can find me as annetjeee. My page is named we❤️It. Andsure i am going to check your blog out

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